SpaceFest 2017: The Lunar Legacy
Please join us for the 4th Annual SpaceFest. This year's theme is The Lunar Legacy. Explore the history of our manned visits to the Moon in the brand new Apollo exhibit, featuring an F-1 engine recovered from Apollo 12!
SpaceFest 2017 Schedule
Saturday, May 20
10 AM - 2 PM
Lunar Activities (Side Gallery)
- Family Workshops
- Living History presentations
- Apollo 11 Moonwalk VR Experience
- NASA Space Grant
- Lunar Orbiter artifacts and display
- Viking Mars Missions Education and Preservation Project artifacts and display
- Our Future in Space - Imagination Station
11AM and 2 PM
Rocketdyne F-1 Engine Tip-to-Tail Talks (Challenger Learning Center Theater)
In-depth docent talks about the new Apollo F-1 Engine display with Dr. Dieter Zube (Spacecraft Propulsion Engineer)
The Lunar Legacy Programs (William Allen Theater)
12 PM - 12:30PM
The Moon at the Movies with Northwest Film Forum
A family friendly fly to the moon and beyond in this overview of all-things-lunar in cinema!
Courtney Sheehan, Northwest Film Forum
Introduction by Carla Bitter, Museum of Flight
1 PM - 2:30 PM
F1 Tech Spec Panel
All things tech will be considered in this detailed presentation of the history, acquisition, restoration and installation of the Museum's latest BIG artifact.
Dr. Roger Myers, Consultant & Space Propulsion Expert, R Myers Consulting, LLC
Charlie Lyford, F-1 Restoration
Moderator: Geoff Nunn, Museum of Flight
3 PM - 4:30 PM
Bezos Expeditions F1 Recovery Team Presentation
David Concannon, Bezos Expeditions
Moderator: Rich Lienesch, Museum of Flight
Earthrise: An Evening with Apollo 8
May 20 | 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM (Charles Simonyi Space Gallery)
Celebrate our Lunar Legacy! Please join us for a 1960s themed cocktail reception, SpaceDust IPAs, live music with the Georgetown Orbits and evening lecture discussing the new book Apollo 8 with author Jeffrey Kluger, Senior Editor of Time Magazine. The presentation will be introduced by Mark Armstrong and includes Q & A with Kluger. Book signing to follow. Tickets are $25 for Members and $35 for the general public. Please note this event is for ages 21 and over, and does not include evening access to the Apollo exhibit.
Sunday, May 21
10 AM - 2 PMLunar Activities (Side Gallery)
- Family Workshops & Living History
- Apollo 11 Moonwalk VR Experiences
- NASA Space Grant
- Viking Mars Missions Education and Preservation Project display
- Our Future in Space - Imagination Station
11 AM and 2 PM
F1 Engine Tip-to-Tail Talks (Challenger Learning Center Theater)
In-depth docent talks about the new Apollo F-1 Engine display with Dr. Dieter Zube (Spacecraft Propulsion Engineer)
The Lunar Legacy Programs (William Allen Theater)
11 AM - 12:30 PM
Practice Makes Perfect: Why Analog Missions Matter
Dr. Sheyna Gifford, HISEAS IV, Year on Simulated Mars
Mark Kerr, HERA (Human Exploration Research Analog)
John Creighton, Astronaut and Shuttle Commander
Dottie Metcalf Lindenburger, Shuttle Astronaut
Moderator: Dr. Chris Lienesch, Flight Surgeon
1 PM - 2:30 PM
Our Lunar Legacy
Dr. Walter Kiefer, Senior Staff Scientist, Lunar Planetary Institute & NASA GRAIL Mission
Introduction by Cassie Lee, Director, Vulcan Aerospace Corporation
3 PM - 4:30 PM
21st Century Space Communities
Jose Ocasio-Christian, Chief Executive Officer, Caelus Partners, LLC and invited panelists.
Introduction by Nicole Brown