Jump start your career as a professional pilot!

Private Pilot Ground School (PPGS) is a unique, fast-paced, three-week summer course that provides the opportunity for Washington State rising 9th-12th grade students to explore the fundamentals of being a professional pilot while creating a base of aeronautical knowledge needed to successfully pass the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) private pilot written exam. Offered at no cost!

Your instructors are licensed pilots and educators who will engage you in hands-on learning in The Museum of Flight’s state-of-the-art flight simulator lab in the Aviation Learning Center and through team projects. You’ll meet fascinating professionals in the aviation industry and take field trips to local aviation and aerospace companies.

Private Pilot Ground School will help you build a foundation in aviation that will help you excel regardless of the career pathway you choose to pursue.

Note: Because this is a public school class, we are only able to serve residents of Washington state.

Program Details:

Dates: June 30 - July 18, 2025 (no class on July 4)
Time: 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM; Monday-Friday
Location: The Museum of Flight and Raisbeck Aviation High School (adjacent to the Museum)
Age: Rising 9th-12th grade students (Must be a Washington State resident)

Note: Students must provide their own transportation to and from The Museum of Flight.

Program Fee: No Cost
Credits: Participants can earn up to 0.5 high school CTE credits and 5 college credits through the Puget Sound Skills Center. To qualify, participants cannot miss more than two days of class.

Learn More About Earning Credit

Why Should You Sign-Up?

  • You'll learn the fundamentals of becoming a pilot in a hands-on environment
  • You'll create a base of knowledge needed to pass the FAA private pilot written exam
  • You'll get hands-on in our state-of-the-art flight simulation lab
  • You will meet and network with aviation industry professionals
  • You'll explore local aerospace companies
  • You'll have the opportunity to earn 0.5 High School Credits and 5 College Credits
  • And receive opportunities for internships and scholarships!

NOTE: Private Pilot Ground School is not a summer camp. 

PPGS is a formal credit-bearing high school summer school course run through the Puget Sound Skills Center. This means participation in this program is placed on your transcript and will reflect your overall GPA. The program includes graded tests, quizzes, and projects and is equivalent to a semester-long course. Students must attend class daily for the entire day, but you are able to miss up to two days before receiving a non-passing grade. If you know that you will not be able to attend the course in its entirety, you should evaluate if you want to participate in the program to ensure it won’t show up as a non-passing grade on your transcript.

How to Apply:

The Museum of Flight partners with the Highline School District and Green River College to offer Private Pilot Ground School (PPGS) to you at no cost.

Enrollment into PPGS is determined by a lottery system and is open to all rising 9th – 12th graders in Washington State regardless of resident school districts.

To apply, you will create an account with SchoolMint (or log in to your account if you are already a Highline student) at this site: Highline Public Schools | SchoolMint

When you fill out the application, please make sure to select the 2024-2025 school year and you are selecting “PSSC Summer- Private Pilot Ground School” as your school of choice.

Lottery Timeline:

  • March 10 – Summer Program Applications Open
  • May 16 – Summer Program Applications Close
  • May 21 – Lottery Day
  • May 22 – 23 – Family Notifications of Lottery Results
  • June 2 – Student Deadline for Acceptance (student waitlist pulls begin)

If you run into any issues, please contact groundschool@museumofflight.org or 206.764.0276.

Delta Air Lines is the Airline Funding Partner of Private Pilot Ground School for 2025

Delta Air Lines

For more information, contact GroundSchool@museumofflight.org or call 206-764-0276.